April 18, 2021
Celebrating God's Under-Shepard and Servant
Today we celebrate Thirty Five years of Pastor and People.
"To God be the Glory for the Great Things HE has Done."
I am inspired by God, Driven by Faith and Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Minister to God's People.
We are a family of love, caring, sharing and by this all will be given to each of us. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love the Lord, who have been called according to his purpose. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will
make your path straight. Our gifts have been given to us to share and serve others faithfully. We must continue to Study God's Word. (Timothy 2:15). May God's Blessing be upon us all. On behalf of my Lovely Wife, Children and Myself;
THANK YOU for blessing us with the opportunity to serve you.
THANK YOU for sharing your lives with us.
THANK YOU most of all for your love, support and prayers.
Pastor Bellamy
The History of St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church
Often referred to over time as the small, family oriented, but powerful branch of Zion that sits on a sand ridge, St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church, on March 14 and 15, 2020, celebrated 100 years of existence! It's theme was fitting, ”We Have Come This Far By Faith”! The celebration was planned by a centennial committee, (listed at the end) consisting of the Church's 34-year Pastor, Reverend Theron Matthew Bellamy, his wife and First Lady, Janice, along with a centennial committee, chaired by Kimberly Ward and two point persons, Janice Bellamy and Lorraine Wilson. They were instrumental in finding a venue and gathering necessary details to bring our event to fruition.
Rev. Bellamy shared with the Committee his desire to include all current Ministers [who began their ministry while at St. Joseph] to share in the Centennial. Brainstorming created a list of 12 of those such Ministers. After discussion of the best way to make them inclusive, it was agreed that each Minister would bring a message beginning one month prior to the event that would lead-up to Sunday's worship services on March 15, 2020. Time moved swiftly as committee meetings came closer together! Prayerful, but excited planning through public announcement, personal letters, radio/TV advertisement, and word-of-mouth, began shaping the event and that list of 12 to include Pastors, Ministers, Evangelist and carriers of the Gospel! Each of their callings evolved during their affiliation with the Church either in their upbringing and/or previous membership @ St. Joseph while under the leadership of Rev. L. P. Livingston and/or Rev. Theron Bellamy. Though all could not attend, the outreach and response of those carriers of the good news allowed the Committee to confirm the commitment of the following Ministers who gladly accepted and spoke:
Each were able to reach back into our past in wonderment of how we got over, and concluded in their speaking, that it was through the blessings of God Almighty! What a celebration within itself to see and hear from each of them who were still carrying the word! My comparison of them was to Nehemiah in chapter 6:3 of the Bible (as he said while he was on the wall): “ I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down”.
On Saturday, March 14, 2020, the St. Joseph congregation attended its first Centennial Banquet @ 5:00 p.m., @ 21 Main Conference Center in the City of North Myrtle Beach, S.C. A moderate group of members, guest, friends and visitors (dressed-to-the-nine) attended that celebration where WJXY (103.5 & 1200 AM) radio host, Reggie Dyson, presided as Master of Ceremony. We enjoyed:
Our own, Sherrie Lynn Bellamy, baby sister of Rev. Henson, gave a proud and proper introduction of Rev. Henson, noting the presence of her husband and two sons that accompanied her to South Carolina. Rev. Henson serves as Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church of Ken-Gar in Kensington, MD. No mention was made, but I'm sure many who were aware of the family line knew that Sister Queenie Bellamy, mother of the sisters and Grandpa Prezzie Green were smiling down on them from Heaven! Aunt Candy Stanley and Uncle Ivory were given honor by Rev. Henson.
Our celebration culminated on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at our Church location: 1005 Sand Ridge Road, Little River, S.C. Sunday School began @ 9:45 a.m., directed by Superintendent Eva D. Bellamy, who asked Sister Lorraine Wilson (assistant senior class teacher) to combine all classes for discussion of our lesson.
Deacon Janie Isom, as worship leader, brought our 11:00 a. m. worship services to order. The Church eventually became a 'sitting room only' facility as many guest and visitors trickled in to celebrate with us! Special invitees for the day included the North Myrtle Beach High School Gospel Choir, directed by our own Musician, Brother Shaq Buck. This young adult choir (through strong voice & instruments) performed fantastically! Another specialty was a video presentation produced by Brother Freddy Green entitled “From Then to Now” with Senior Adults, Ms. Mary Gore and Ms. Christine Foust (who shared at the Banquet); (they were then middle-aged adults and today, senior adults. The middle-aged adults were represented by Ms. Retha Gause and Earnestine Green. (they were then the young adults) and today the middle-aged adults. The two groups (Senior and Middle-aged Adult) representatives stirred memories that took us back: the addition of wings to the old building, serving of dinner on the ground during times the Church hosted large events such as Associations, Unions, Reunions, Anniversaries, etc., food prepared @ home and brought in baskets and boxes to the Church (as we had no cafeteria), no money ever charged for dinners served @ St. Joseph, the men and women separated in Church by the two aisles, (the men on the left & women on the right, the A-men corner, the mourning bench when one “found the Lord” or “got religion” by kneeling, praying, and chanting “save me Jesus, save my soul, learning the ten commandments before leaving Mrs. Georgia Bell Green's class, Baptist Training Union, learning speeches for seasonal programs, the Senior Missionary programs & Y.W.A's visiting the sick and prisoners @ the prison camp, the dedication celebration services when we moved-into the new St. Joseph, the women's annual Christmas event that grew so large and so fast that it moved to the Church, the change from 2 Sunday services per month to every Sunday, members of the church who grew up and played piano @ St. Joseph & other musicians through the years, the annual bike fundraiser for the youth, a new baptismal pool, video booth and video system,and so many precious memories and accomplishments; ah, what a wonderful job by the women who aroused our memories, and an ending challenge for the future Church by Sister Earnestine Green. She reminded us that the future outlook of St. Joseph was to faithfully continue on by “meeting people where they were” in this world now of homelessness, opiod addictions & high suicide rates, divorce and proper care for senior citizens (to name a few). She pointed out that, amidst the many things confronting this generation, our mission as a future Church is to encourage them that God forgives, as he did in the Bible with the woman at the well who too was faced with so many issues, saved and instructed to “Go and sin no more”!
The video presentation next took us to the Young Adult and Youth representatives Latasha Mose and Shequila Bellamy. Through questions to each other, they personally shared (by name) certain church members, (including the Pastor, Superintendent, teachers & others) who had a lasting influence or impression on their lives. They recalled the love, sharing and concern of Deacon Morris & many others through sunday school, vacation bible school, Church trips, attending movies, learning how to sew through Mother Candy Stanley, strict discipline of Deaconess Lisa Green and lots of quiet work behind the scenes by first Lady Janice (both being their moms). Important to note is that “Moments with the Children” created by our Pastor has now become Children's Church led by Mrs. Mose with the help of Shequila. Many more memories were shared to include how Superintendant Eva Bellamy, knowing these two were best friends, allowed them to sit, record & read the Sunday School minutes together, referring to them as Tick and Tock. A startling unveiling to Superintendent Bellamy today was they never knew which of them was Tick and which was Tock. Another entertaining moment during their presentation was the moment of a chat-time with the little ones who boldly and bravely discussed what they loved about coming to Church @ St, Joseph. The children used descriptive words about their Church that immediately came to mind. Some words from from the representatives were: awesome, authentic, resilient, classic, strong, powerful. From the youth some words and phrases were: like a rainbow, glorious, faithful, fun, etc. Times they loved were vacation bible school, being worship leader, singing, handing out birthday and anniversary cards to members. The two representatives shared favorite scriptures: Shequila – Romans 15:4-6 where Paul fostered Hope, encouragement, and endurance. Latasha: Matthew 18:20 (“where two or three are gathered in my name...”) a reminder to remain steadfast and focused. These young women and children were awesome! Hats-off to Brother Green and all participants in the video, From Then to Now.
District 7 Horry County Councilman, Orton Bellamy was granted time for special presentations. First was Resolution R-25-2020 from Horry County Council, signed by Chairman Johnny Gardner. Our S. C. Governor, Henry McMaster, penned a congratulatory letter to Rev. Theron Bellamy and congregation, as did our District 7 U. S. Congressman, Tom Rice. They both touted great accomplishments to the Church's credit over our 100 year's existence, and extended continued success in the future to the Church and community. Brother Bellamy personally selected The Clifton Bellamy family as “Family of the Century”. He expressed the close relationship between the dads Stalvey & Clifton Bellamy,. Honorable mention went to Judge Margie Bellamy Livingston, a member of the St. Joseph family, who became the first black female Summary Court Judge in 1991. Further, for six years (2012 – 2018) she also served as Chief Judge of the Horry County Summary Courts, (to date, she continues to serve).
Councilman Bellamy (who is also black) was reared in the neighboring Brooksville area, and was happy to present today on behalf of Councilman Paul Prince, who is the representative for District 9 (where St. Joseph lies). A previous engagement prevented Councilman Prince from attending. None-the-less, we were proud that he joined us for both Sunday School and Worship services, literally spending the day with us! He was thanked for work in getting and making the framed and oral presentations, as well as for his continued service to Horry County.
Rev. Theron Bellamy thanked God for bringing our little church on the Sand Ridge from 1 through 99 Anniversaries, and today, to a Centennial (100th) Celebration! He reminded his members that our being able to celebrate this previous month of Sundays and 2-day event came to fruition on the backs of our fore fathers and mothers who had so very little, with the exception of cooperative and hopeful spirits wrapped-up in love! They produced so much, leaning and depending on Jesus! From a brush shelter to a bricked, centrally air-conditioned & heated edifice, he pointed to our theme which became his text, “We've Come This Far By Faith” (2nd Corinthians 5 was his chosen scripture). He said “there was a word from the Lord”, even though the chicken being prepared in the kitchen was smelling. His purpose through his sermon was to stimulate and encourage us; (with special emphasis on verse 7: “For we walk by faith, not sight”).... and that it would take that same faith to lead us on. He broke down our subject telling us that “thus far” denoted from the past to the presence, showing a time of achievement, accomplishment, with more to come. It represented what has been done, those things achieved by faith and yet things to come (not yet seen). He enumerated some of our many accomplishments through God's blessings, and challenged us to leave a legacy ajust as our fore parents had. His biggest challenge to everyone was to stay connected to God whose promise was then, and is now, to “never leave or forsake us”! Even during this moment of the Coronovirus pandemic, we can be assured of God's love for all of his children and the same “walk by faith” will see us through it.
As we were fed by Rev. Bellamy spiritually with the word, we were fed physically with food by brother Carl Bellamy, our community caterer! We ate a delicious full-course meal, we fellow-shipped, and we departed to begin service a-new!
Submitted by: Margie B. Livingston
Special thanks to ALL church members, guest speakers, other guest, and visitors who made our event a memorable one, along with this
Rev. Theron M. Bellamy, Pastor
Janice Bellamy, First Lady
Rev. Alfred Bellamy, Associate Minister
Easter Bellamy
Curtis Greene
Lisa Greene (Deaconess)
Janie Isom
Frances Morris, Emeritus
Theodore Morris, Emeritus
Church Officers
Michael Green, Trustee
Terry Clifton, Trustee
Freddy Green, Trustee Chairperson
Retha Gause, Trustee
Kimberly Ward, Secretary/Centennial Chairperson
Lorraine Wilson, Financial Secretary
Church Members
Gary B. Bellamy
James Earl Bellamy
Shequila Bellamy
Shaq Buck, Musician
Earlese Campbell
Christine Foust
Mary Gore
Earnestine Green
Margie B. Livingston
Latasha Mose
Joyce Vereen
Lisa Vereen
If you worked as a Committee Person and your name did not make this printed document, please accept my mistake (s). Lastly, thank you for understanding that this is a summary/recap of our two-day event and is offered from the writer's point of view.
Reverend Alfred Bellamy
Sister Easter Bellamy Sister Jannie Isom
Brother Curtis Green Sister Frances Morris - Emeritus
Brother Theodore Morris - Emeritus
Sister Lisa Green - Deaconess
Brother Freddie Green-Chairman Sister Retha Gause
Brother Gerodie Livingston Sister Francis Williams
Brother Terry Clifton Brother Michael Green
Brother Ivory Green - Emeritus Brother Michael Ward
Sister Lorraine Wilson
Sister Kimberly Ward
Sister Latasha Mose
Sister Theresa Green
Sister Alisa Vereen
Brother Shaq Buck
It is vibrantly alive, sustained by the life of the resurrected Christ and empowered by the ever-present Holy Spirit. As an Organism our Church has a nature, a purpose and certain functions.
Our church has a co-mission with Christ; as well as a commission from Christ: "Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have, commanded you; an lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the World." (Matt. 28:19-20).
our 5th Annual Bike Rally for 2020 has Been Postponed to later date. We will sort out the details at a later time
Thank you
Terry Clifton
Michael Geen
Jamie Clifton
Retha Gause
Congratulations to McKenzie Livingston for wining MVP award for Hard Worker and Induction into the Wall of Fame, Keep up the good work Mckenzie we are so proud of you
St Joseph Family
First Lady Janice Bellamy and her granddaughter Mckenzie Livingston
The youth are our future. These Beautiful young people need our Guidance and support.They are our future generation and we are here to support them and guide them.
Genesis 33:5 Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you
Proverbs 22:6 God's Word encourages us to raise children in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Please congratulate Ms. McKenzie on receiving 1st place in the all around 2nd floor
Our Youth are always excited about learning New experiences about Jesus. Mrs. Mose teaches our children about Jesus and what he really means to us. They have fun activities to do as well as refreshments.
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Our Current Services:
We Also have Children Church during the regular service for our youth, Leader Mrs. Latasha Mose.
Latasha Mose Is our Children's Church Leader. She was raised in this community and was baptized at this church at a very young age. In 2010, she graduated from South Carolina State University with her Bachelors of Science Degree in Elementary Education. During her time at SC State, she participated in bible training for educating the youth through a program called the The Good News Club for several years. In 2017, she graduated from Coastal Carolina University with her Masters Degree in Learning and Teaching with a focus in Instructional Technology. Mrs. Mose is a 4th grade teacher at Waterway Elementary School. She continues to serve her purpose by educating the youth, the future.
We would like to welcome our newest members to our St. Joseph Family, Miss Gracie Bryant, Mrs. Janna Bryant, and Mr. Steven Bryant,
USDA FOOD PRODUCT will be given out to the PUBLIC by this organization 2018: 1005 St. Sandridge Rd. Little River, SC 29555-- 843798-0407
4th Saturday each mouth 9 am until 1 pm. In accordance with Federal Civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA , its Agencies, and employees and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibit from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex disability, age or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Form (AD-3027) found online at: cust.html. and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.Call 866 632-9992 to request a form. Submit completed form or letter to USDA. U.S.Department of Agriculture,Secr. for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Ave. SW. Washington, DC 20250; Fax 202 690-7442, email
We love our visitors, so feel free to visit during normal worship hours.
Open today | 08:45 am – 11:45 am |
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